HD Dynamic Link Libraries List of DLLs Available for Custom Apps

Hands Down Software offers a wide variety of dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that allow you to create your own custom software tools using our HVAC calculation librarires. All of these DLLs provide results in both IP and SI units:

HDPsyChart DLL

The HDPsyChart DLL allows software developers to pass project information along with an unlimited amount of state points and processes to the chart for display.

HDPsyChart DLL produces the highest quality psychrometric charts in the world. The charts are drawn with the un-matched accuracy level of the HDPsyTech DLL engine.

The HDPsyChart DLL also provides a professional state point and process report detailing all of the psychrometric and process values.


The HDMakeUpAir DLL DLL is perfect for the software developer needing to estimate outside air loads and estimate the energy needed to heat, cool, humidify and de-humidify the outside air.

HDMakeUpAir DLL provides the software developer wide flexibility in specifying heat recovery, heating and humidifying energy sources, free re-heat and free pre-heat, direct or belt driven fans, electric and/or gas utility costs, etc.

HDMakeUpAir DLL output data includes Total Expense, Electric Expense, Gas Expense, Cooling Expense, Heating Expense, Humidifying Expense, Air Moving Expense, Total Electric Usage, Cooling Electric Usage, Heating Electric Usage, Humidifying Electric Usage, Air Moving Electric Usage, Total Gas Usage, Heating Gas Usage, Humidifying Gas Usage, Total Cooling Load, Motor Heat Load, Net Cooling Load, Humidification Load, Total Heating Load, Total Pre- Heat Load, Motor Pre-Heat Load, Heater Pre-Heat Load, Total Re-Heat Load, Motor Re-Heat Load and Heater Re-Heat Load.

Both IP and SI Units are provided as well as cities all over the world in most countries.


The HDPsyTech DLL psychrometric calculator DLL is perfect for the software developer needing psychrometric properties for standard and extreme conditions.

HDPsyTech DLL is written and compiled in Power Basic providing levels of compatibility and speed not otherwise possible.

HDPsyTech DLL does not require registering with Windows, simply save the DLL in your Windows System32 folder and any application on your computer can access the power of HDPsyTech DLL.

HDClimatic DLL

The HDClimatic DLL puts outside air design conditions for over 1,459 cities world wide "one-call-away".

Winter Heating, Summer Cooling and Wind Data are all based on ASHRAE's 1997 Fundamentals Handbook and are returned with one call to this powerful DLL.

Both IP and SI Units are provided as well as cities all over the world in most countries.

HDAcoustic DLL

HDAcoustic DLL is a powerful tool enabling software developers the ability to quickly estimate sound power levels for air handling units or other plenums.

While standard absorption and TL coefficients are pre-loaded in the DLL, HDAcoustic DLL is extremely flexible, allowing you to input your own custom coefficients providing acoustical estimates for any plenum or AHU construction.

Multiple sound sources and multiple openings are fully supported by HDAcoustic DLL.

HDConvert DLL

HDConvert DLL provides IP (inch-pound or english) units of measure to SI (standard international) units of measure conversions.

HDConvert DLL can be used by software developers for any application where both IP and SI units of measure are needed. HDConvert DLL uses industry standard conversion algorithms for a wide variety of metrics.

HDConvert DLLunit conversions include length, area, volume, pressure, velocity, flow rates, weights, concentrations, energy, power, angles, rotation speed and more.

HDComfort DLL

HDComfort DLL predicts human thermal response to the environment using several thermal comfort models, including PMV-PPD, ET*-DISC.

HDComfort DLL can be used by software developers for any application where both IP and SI units of measure are needed.

HDComfort DLL references ASHRAE Standard 55 and ISO Standard 7730.

HDDuctDesign DLL

HDDuctDesign DLL allows software developers quick and accurate answers for duct size and/or pressure drops. HDDuctDesign DLL can be set for Standard Air or Actual Air (corrected for temperature, humidity and altitude).

HDDuctDesign DLL provides pressure losses for Round, Rectangular and Oval Ducts and for virtually any length of duct.

Both IP and SI units are fully supported by HDDuctDesign DLL.

HDBinWeather DLL

HDBinWeather DLL allows software developers easy access to the complete hourly weather data listing of all the global locations from TMY3, IWEC and CWEC files.

HDBinWeather DLL allows developers the ability to specify days and/or hours of interest, providing customized bin weather data.

HDBinWeather DLL can be used to easily perform energy analysis models based on weather data at the design location, or calculate ventilation loads or create joint frequency tables.

Both IP and SI units are fully supported by HDBinWeather DLL.

HDFreshAir DLL

HDFreshAir DLL provides software developers fresh air estimates based on ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004 Table 6.1.

HDFreshAir DLL is easy to use. Simply pass the application parameters along with occupancy and space area (sq.ft.) and with one function call, the outside airflow estimate is returned.

HDEvapCool DLL

HDEvapCool DLL provides software developers evaporative or "Swamp" cooler performance. HDEvapCool DLL allows the parent application to pass either cooler size or cooler efficiency and provides a complete performance output.

HDEvapCool DLL is easy to use. Simply pass the input parameters along with cooler size or efficiency and with one function call, complete output performance data is returned.

HDElectHeat DLL

HDElectHeat DLL provides software developers electric heating performance. HDElectHeat DLL allows the parent application to pass either leaving air temperature or heater kW and provides a complete performance output.

HDElectHeat DLL is easy to use. Simply pass the input parameters along with air temperature rise or kW and with one function call, complete output performance data is returned.

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